Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Lighter Side of SDLC

I ran across this extraordinarily technical description of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) risks and thought everyone interested in improving processes and controls should be familiar.

Definitely take notes.

-- Prescott B. Coleman, CIA, CISA


toomuchcountry said...

Rather than go thru the tedious effort of writing an audit report, redlining it with edits, smoothing out the wording, pre-closing with the auditee, and then closing 'for real', I think I'll just embed this video in an e-mail and send it to the audit's distribution list. Thanks for the end of year laugh.

Prescott Coleman, CIA, CISA said...

You're welcome.

We used to have a laugh imagining that one day we'd issue an audit report with just one line, "sloppy...damn sloppy," to be read in our best Sean Connery voice.